When we think about buying a new house, or apartment, we usually need the help of a person who knows fully how the process of buying and selling a property is. It is precisely there when the figure of the real estate agent comes into play. A real estate agent is an individual or institution that arranges transactions between a buyer and a seller for a commission when the transaction is executed. That is, it's the agent who acts as a broker or intermediary between a buyer and a seller, usually charging a commission and becoming a director of part of the agreement. In addition to this, he is in charge of advising and advising on business-related issues. Now, how do you know if the real estate agent you are going to choose is good or not? In this guide, you will get five tips to choose the right person. REAL ESTATE AGENT - FACTS · A real estate agent is used mainly when you are planning to sell or rent your property . Working with ...